
  • 請從適合您的石油交易平台開始

    像MetaTrader 4 (MT4)或IRESS這樣的全功能交易平台提供先進的圖表功能,指標和重要資料的存取。商品市場對新聞或交易信號反應十分迅速,因此您需要具備必要的資訊來作出交易決策。此外,您還需要一個允許即時執行交易的平台。這兩個高度可定制的平台都提供這些特性,而TMGM提供IRESS和MT4的帳戶。
  • 選擇一家有信譽的經紀商,這就是我們的專業所在。

  • 尋找石油交易市場

    大多數交易員尋求追踪現貨市場的能源差價合約 (CFD)。原油交易的選擇通常是布蘭特原油和西德州中資油,分別對應的符號是 XBR/USD 和 XTI/USD。這些市場提供更準確的價格,非常適合技術和基本分析策略。此外,在能源期貨市場中,它們不會經歷有時發生的激烈猜測。
  • 學習並測試您的策略



Oil CFD prices change depending on several factors, the most obvious being supply and demand. Events that can increase or decrease supply and demand include:

  • Refinery shutdowns, oil pipeline issues, or conflicts that limit oil extraction and export.
  • A country deciding to reduce their oil output. News reports and other announcements can indicate when these decisions may occur.
  • Decisions made by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) can also affect oil prices.

If you trade CFD products, you can enjoy several advantages, including:

  • These products provide access to spot markets, which are typically out of reach for individual retail traders.
  • Energy CFDs have low capital requirements.
  • CFDs allow you to use leverage to target profits from small market moves and take larger positions with limited capital.

Crude oil is the most liquid energy market, and you will have a wealth of information, data, and reports to inform your trading.

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